Troy Hill Shopping Campus

Parsippany, New Jersey

Collaborating with BCT Architects and Federal Realty, Bayview helped turn a dated, run-down strip mall into a modern shopping and dining destination. Using place-making techniques, inviting outdoor rooms are placed throughout the campus, encouraging shoppers to spend more time on site.

  • Clients: Federal Realty

    Completion Date: 2018

    Square footage: 520,000

    Acreage: 11.91

An overhaul of materials to introduce stone, wood, and metal gives the campus a warm and inviting feel. A serpentine sitting wall wraps a new dining plaza, buffering the area from adjacent drive lanes and providing additional sitting options. Fun, colorful furniture contrasts with the architecture's soft, natural material palette and draws attention from any approach on the site.

Researching the site and regional history led us to discover that “Parsippany” is derived from the Lenape word, Parsipanong, which means “the place where the river winds through the valley.” Sculptural silver fish and dry river beds weave throughout the campus as an homage to the origins of the community and add fun, place-making elements that surprise and delight visitors.


Hempstead Golf and Country Club


Public School 6